Steven Bowles

Regional Security Officer - North America, Ingenico

Steven Bowles is Ingenico’s Regional Security Officer for North America and Director of Security Solutions and contributes to the financial standards community on the PCI Board of Advisors, and with ANSI’s X9 Standards Committee on Financial Standards as the Chair of X9’s subcommittee on Data & Information Security. Prior to joining Ingenico, Steven most notably held roles senior roles with: Futurex, Dover Fueling Solutions; and the PCI SSC.

Steven Bowles's Events

PQC, AES, What’s Next? Migration Challenges and Agility In The Payment Network

Date: Wednesday, September 11

Track Two

Moderated by: Andrew Jamieson, Vice President, Solutions, PCI Security Standards Council

Panelists: Steven Bowles, Regional Security Officer - North America, Ingenico; Richard Kisley, PCIP, Chief Engineer IBM HSM, IBM Corporation and Joachim Vance, Chief Security Architect, Verifone

Join us for a panel discussion and walk through the cryptography migration challenges facing payment networks over the next few years. What systems should be the priority, what improvements are going to be the biggest impact and what are vendors doing to assist with the journey?