Jeff Man

Trusted Advisor, PCI QSA, Online Business Systems

Jeff is a respected Information Security advocate, advisor, hacker, evangelist, mentor, teacher, international keynoter, speaker, former host of Security & Compliance Weekly, co-host on Paul’s Security Weekly, Tribe of Hackers book series contributor, and a member of the Cabal of the Curmudgeons. Jeff currently serves as a PCI QSA and Trusted Advisor for Online Business Systems, also a Grant Advisory Board Member for the Gula Tech Foundation, Advisory Board Member for the Technology Advancement Center (TAC), and is the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Hak4Kidz NFP. Over 40 years of experience working in all aspects of computer, network, and information security, including cryptography, risk management, vulnerability analysis, compliance assessment, forensic analysis and penetration testing. Certified National Security Agency Cryptanalyst. Designed and fielded the first software-based cryptosystem ever produced by NSA. Inventor of the “whiz” wheel, a cryptologic cipher wheel used by US Special Forces for over a decade currently on display at the National Cryptologic Museum. Honorary lifetime member of the Special Forces Association. Previously held security research, management and product development roles with the National Security Agency, the DoD and private-sector enterprises. Pioneering member of the first penetration testing “red team” at NSA. For the past twenty-eight years has been a pen tester, security architect, consultant, QSA, and PCI SME, providing consulting and advisory services to many of the nation’s best known companies.

Jeff Man's Events

6.4.3 & 11.6.1: Do You Understand Website Scoping

Date: Wednesday, September 11

Track Two

Presented by: Jeff Man, Trusted Advisor, PCI QSA, Online Business Systems and Jeff Zitomer, Sr. Director of Product Management, Human Security, Inc.

JavaScript Single-Page applications (SPA) signaled the next step in the evolution of app experiences with speed and advanced personalization. Pure HTML and redirected payment methods implemented in SPAs may not provide the scope limitations once expected. Join us to understand how architecture drives scoping for requirements like 6.4.3, 11.6.1, at a deeper level than whether apps integrate with 3PSP via direct post, redirect, or iframe.