Rolf Pielage

Senior Manager, Deloitte Netherlands

Rolf Pielage is a Senior Manager in the Cyber team of Deloitte Netherlands where he has both successfully lead multiple complex projects as well as provided hands-on guidance on cybersecurity related challenges to a large number of international clients. With over 10 years of experience in cyber security, Rolf has developed a strong expertise in cryptography and key management, payment security, risk management, PCI compliance as well as in the broader risk and cyber domain.

Rolf Pielage's Events

Streamlining Key Management in the Payment Card Industry: An Innovative and Audit-Friendly Approach

Date: Wednesday, 9 October

Track Two

Presented by: Kris Olejniczak, QSA, P2PE QSA, SSF QSA, QPA, Managing Director, Patronusec and Rolf Pielage, Senior Manager, Deloitte Netherlands

Traditional methods for managing cryptographic keys have often involved labor-intensive processes that not only increase the margin of error but also complicate compliance and auditing procedures. We will unveil a different and innovative approach to key management that redefines the traditional approach while significantly reducing manual efforts. We will explore an automated key management approach, designed to enhance security measures and simplify the auditing process and show how automated systems can handle key generation, distribution, rotation, and destruction with minimal human intervention. Furthermore, we will demonstrate how this novel approach facilitates a seamless and transparent auditing trail simplifying auditing process.