Dr. Bruce McCabe

The Global Futurist

Dr. Bruce McCabe is a global futurist and international keynote speaker who presents on the future of medicine, computing, artificial intelligence, energy, genomics – wherever the game-changers happen to be. He travels constantly and works across all industry sectors.

Bruce has explored emerging technologies and how innovation happens for 30 years. He began his career at IBM in 1988 and went on to hold senior roles at IBM, WordPerfect, Novell and Gartner. In 2002 he founded S2 Intelligence, a think tank to support organizational innovation through grounded research. He served as an independent adviser to a long list of multinationals, state and federal governments, universities, and science labs. When not speaking he writes novels about the near future.

Dr. Bruce McCabe's Events

Keynote: Security in an Age of Exponential Innovation

Date: Thursday, 10 October

Presented by: Dr. Bruce McCabe, The Global Futurist

In an age of exponential innovation, what disruptive technologies will impact cybersecurity? How can we keep up with the speed of change? What big actions could we take to make our future more secure? In this presentation, Dr Bruce McCabe, Global Futurist, will draw on his meetings with cutting-edge scientists and thinkers around the world to broaden the lens and help us to ‘think bigger’ about cybersecurity through 2050. He will introduce us to his most impactful emerging technologies and their implications, both positive and negative. He will discuss incentives and some of the big social, political and financial ideas to enhance security. He will name his biggest threats. Most importantly, Bruce will help us to think differently and more expansively about opportunities to make the future more secure.