Stephen Cavey

Co-Founder, Ground Labs

Stephen is a co-founder of Ground Labs, leading a global team empowering its customers to discover, identify and secure sensitive data across their organizations. As the company’s Chief Evangelist, he leads its worldwide product development, sales and marketing and business operations and was instrumental in extending Ground Labs’ presence with enterprise customers.

Stephen Cavey's Events

Evidence-based Scoping for the Zettabyte Era

Date: Wednesday, 15 November

Presented by: Stephen Cavey, Co-Founder, Ground Labs

Through real-world examples, we’ll explain how organizations can evolve their data management practices in a landscape of exponential data growth and increasingly complex technology environments. We’ll discuss the benefits of adopting an evidence-based approach in a continuous process of data identification, verification and remediation that supports not only the enhanced scoping demands of PCI DSS v4.0, but also forms the foundation for compliance with other privacy and security obligations.